Pastor Anthony will be communicating with parents on a frequent bases via-emails. These emails will be the main form of communication between the High School Ministries and the parents and will consist of various topics:
Upcoming Events - The High School will be hosting both student & parent events this school year.
Teachings - Anthony will provide a synopsis of upcoming materials that they will be teaching your students - This way you can be on the same page and stir up conversations with your child.
Parent Tip Videos - They'll send you 12 videos 1 for every month. These videos are short, sweet, and to-the-point. They're a combination of encouragement, challenge, and training.
Parent Surveys - The questions on surveys are designed to help the youth ministries learn more about what you parents are experiencing with your teenagers (so Anthony & Josh can understand you) and how you'd like to hear from them (so they can communicate with you more effectively).